Planning Ceremonies
For maximum effectiveness, ceremonies must be planned and rehearsed. When
planning a ceremony:
- Keep it simple and short. Cut the long speeches. Ceremonies have
more impact when they are kept to the point. Make them impressive,
dignified, simple, sincere.
- A ceremony is not the same as a religious service. It is inappropriate,
given the many different beliefs present in participants, to make
it religious. (Scouting does require a belief in God, which we should
support through a Scout's Own service on Sundays.) A ceremony can
encourage participants to believe in God and to have reverence and
respect for life.
- The location and setting ought to fit the mood that the planners
want to achieve.
- Music, especially songs, can significantly affect the mood. The
music must be planned and appropriate to the occasion.
- Each of the people helping to present the ceremony must know exactly
what he is doing and when to do it. A rehearsal makes a huge difference.
- Use variety in your ceremonies. Don't present the same kind of
ceremony repeatedly. Keep ceremonies fresh by making them relevant
in some way to the individuals for whom the ceremony is being presented.
- Know the difference between sentiment and sentimentality.
- Long faced solemnity is not always the desired mood for a ceremony.
Humor may have a quiet dignity running through its lightness.
- Ceremonies can be dramatic, inspiring, and colorful, and they should
help participants feel more connected to other group members and
a part of the group.
- Every ceremony needs to have a plan and a goal. Organization is
vital to the effectiveness and success of the ceremony.
- A ceremony belongs to the group. It ought to be planned to suit
the needs and the abilities of the participants.
- Use ceremonies to promote a better understanding of the group aims,
ideals and responsibilities.
Have a Clear Goal
List the characteristics of the group members who will attend. Write
down the reasons for the ceremony and develop a clear goal. If the ceremony
is to give participants a token of some kind, be conscious of what the
token is supposed to mean and why it is being given. Communicate this
clearly during the event.
Location, Location
Remember that the setting is one of the most important factors affecting
the success of the ceremony. Choose a location that:
- Limits the likelihood of disturbance by others
- Permits all participants to view the proceedings
- Fits the size of the group
- Permits people to stand or sit as needed
- If a fire is desired, is fire-safe.
People ought to be comfortable watching the ceremony. You can't keep
their attention if they're worried about falling off the side of a hill.
Keep a Smooth Flow
The ceremony ought to flow easily, with a definite, although inconspicuous,
structure. The ceremonial master of ceremonies needs to be well-organized.
The event should be well-planned and rehearsed, and the agenda clear
to everyone who is helping with the ceremony.
Allow ceremony participants and leaders to express their personal thoughts,
if appropriate. Be careful, because this can take a considerable amount
of time. Use ceremonies to enhance group experience and to add to the
depth of thought and feeling. Develop a sense of group consciousness.
Encourage development of meaningful values.
Practice, Practice
If possible, go to the actual site of the ceremony and practice there.
If you're including a potentially difficult stunt, like remotely lighting
a fire, try it out a few times until you are confident it works without
fail. Get all of the ceremonial leaders or actors together and rehearse
your movements. Time how long it takes to actually perform certain events,
as this may alter your decisions about what you will do.
Nothing jars a ceremony and disturbs the mood you are trying to create
than to have something go obviously wrong. Make sure you rehearse with
all of the props and materials needed. The details are essential to the
complete mood of the ceremony.
Have Everything on Hand
Print song sheets for all songs if they are not known or if there is
not time to learn them. Give song sheets to the participants if they
do not know the words; this helps them feel more involved in the ceremony.
Create a check-list of materials as well as a written plan. Lastly, be flexible;
each ceremony can be a unique and special time.