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Baden Powell's Jamboree Farewell
In his farewell address to the assembled Scouts, Baden-Powell says, "You may look on that White Stag as the pure spirit of Scouting, springing forward and upward, ever leading you onward and upward to leap over difficulties." The following report is from the 1933 Augsztus 9 (August 9) Jamboree Magyar Czerkész, Budapest, Hungary (Published daily in multiple languages during the 1933 World Jamboree) Thank you, Chief, for the rain. As the clouds gathered and the first drops fell, we wondered whether you were turning on the rain to see what good Scouts you are. But it was just enough to lay the dust!
Seldom has a rally ground been so crowded as when we said >>au revior<< to the Chief who was accompanied in the box by H. R. H. the Archduke Joseph and the Archduchess Augusta. It seemed to me that Saturday's crowds even was eclipsed. And the displays before the farewell speech were right up to the standard—the erecting of flag staffs, the Swiss flutes, the boomerang throwing, the unexpected rush of the Norwegians, the Austrians, and the Grand Howl—the same world over—and the procession of rope spinning Hungarians. There was a queer feeling in the air as the Polish glider left its parent plane and swooped low with slow and stately grace to drop the Polish flag on the ground. And all the while ten thousand balloons were drifting upwards on the hurrying breeze carrying the message of Scouting to the world. A sudden pause—up went the flags and banners in the mass of Scouts in front and on they rushed—rallying to their Chief to whom they owe so much. Then from the saluting base the Chief commenced to speak, slowly and distinctly, thanking all those to whom we owe this happy fortnight—the Scouters who brought us here, the jamboree staff, the Regent and our wonderful hosts, with a word about the friendships which we have been so happy to make. It was strange to hear two cheers—the cheers of the English—speaking people as the Chief spoke, and of our Magyar friends as Dr. de Molnar translated. But our thanks were not only for those with us: >>Let us pause for one moment for each of us silently to thank God for bringing us together as a happy family at Gödöllõ.<< An impressive silence for a moment, broken only by the rustle of flags in the gentle breeze. One of those silences in which nations calls to nation for peace to leave our happiness unbroken. >>My brothers,<< The Chief went on, >>those of you who were at the last Jamboree in England will remember how the Golden Arrow was handed out to each country as a symbol of Goodwill flying forth to all ends of the earth through the Brotherhood of Scouting. Now at Gödöllõ we have another symbol. Each one of you wears the badge of the White Stag of Hungary. I want you to treasure that badge when you go from here and to remember that, like the Golden Arrow, it also has its message and its meaning for you. The Hungarian hunters of old pursued the miraculous Stag, not because they expected to kill it, but because it led them on in the joy of the chase to new trails and fresh adventures, and so to capture happiness. You may look on that White Stag as the pure spirit of Scouting, springing forward and upward, ever leading you onward and upward to leap over difficulties, to face new adventures in your active pursuit of the higher aims of Scouting—aims which bring you happiness.
These aims are to do your duty wholeheartedly to God, to your country, and to your fellow man by carrying out the Scout Law. In that way you will, each one of you, help to bring about God's kingdom upon earth—the reign of peace and goodwill. Therefore, before leaving you, I ask you Scouts this question—Will you do your best to make friendship with others and peace in the world?<< Like a rumble of thunder the answer rang out—Igon, Yes, Oui, Ja—all mingled in a wonderful promise as the White Stag was raised aloft. It takes a man like the Chief to think of such a moment as that. The Chief Scout turned and with a happy word presented to Count Paul Teleki, the Jamboree Camp Chief, and Dr. Antony Papp, the Hungarian Boys Scouts' President, the highest honour of the British Scouts—the Silver Wolf, in thanks for their heroic work in organising the Jamboree for us; and as Count Teleki said, presented it to all the Hungarian Scouts for their kindness. Then amid cheers, the Chief descended to his car—may we see him again—and often—at our Jamborees. In the evening the Chief turned up at a wonderful camp fire in Sub-Camp VII, where, from his small fire, Scouts of every nation came forward, lighted torches, and carried them off to light their fires. As each fire was lighted, the spotlight fell on that country's flag symbolical of the spread of Scouting throughout the world—symbolical too, of the world-wide love of the Scouts for their Founder. What can one say but, >>Au revior, Chief!<< R. H. McCarthy |