Adult Staff Meeting Minutes
8th June, 1959
Location: Army Language School Officers Open Mess
Members present: Béla Bánáthy, Jack Stone, Bill White, Paul Holbrook, Ralph
Herring, Fran Petersen, Staff Advisor Bill Lidderdale.
Agenda adopted with a suggestion we formalize these staff meetings to the
extent of official meeting records. Program division to handle the records.
"WHITE STAG": officially adopted "White Stag" as the name for Junior Leaders
Training events. Subsequent programs for 1960-61 to include "White Buffalo"
as Council Wood Badge event. Goal of Adult Volunteer Training Events set for
Adult Staff
- Organization for 1959 Jr. Leaders Training event.
- Scoutmaster Béla Banethy
- Training Division Jack Stone Paul Holbrook
- Program Divison Fran Petersen Bob Bowman
- Administration Ralph Herring
- Supply Bill White
- Finance (open to date)
- Research (open to date)
- Goal of present leadership team "Two deep for each job".
- Adult Staff Training aids for this camp to be supplemented by self-help reading
White Stag Training
- General White Stag Training master schedule presented and adopted (see attached
- Suggested that the Junior Staff Program and Training groups hold separate planning
and training sessions in order to formalize the two Patrols, plus the actual
practice of the activity assignements necessary In the operation Of the training
camps and the WHITE STAG event.
- Administration discussed development of personnel records and basic
minimum boy development evaluation sheet
- Proposed the need for rating sheets for boy and group activities.
- Supply Adopted Jambo plan for food at camp Discussed the present shortage of equipment necessary for a happy, healthy, well
trained camp.
- Finance Reviewed "Adult sponsorship presentation sheet" (see attached)
- Area Work Stressed need for area work, with additional men required to:
- promote *White Stag" event for 1959
- finalize selection of White Stag Troop
membership for 1959.
- Camp bulletin ideas presented - no decisions