Silver Stag Guidelines
These guidelines have been handed down since the beginning of the program with little change. They describe
the characteristics of individuals who have gone above and beyond to make a sustained contribution to the
program, who consistently give more than 100%. They not only do what they have agreed to do, but seek extra ways to
help make a contribution. They have a go-getter attitude and when asked to perform beyond what's been asked,
are always willing to say yes. They apply their leadership skills both within the program and in their home and community.
Registered with the program as an adult during the current program year.
At least two years of staff experience.
Exceptional evidence of:
Cooperation with youth and adult staff members, with individuals and
units in other programs, and by making positive contributions as a group member working on a
variety of tasks.
- Leadership
Demonstrate leadership by behavior positively influencing maintenance of the group and its
accomplishment of the task. Demonstrate ability to set goals for personal growth and to
evaluate achievement of these goals.
Timely and successful completion of duties and functions of his or her job with minimal
supervision. Strives to acheive improvement in his or her part of the program which will
contribute to both short- and long-range growth of the program and its participants.
Contributes to group morale and individual motivation, and towards completion of the job.
Demonstrates enthusiasm for the goals of the program and for the team of which he or she is
a member. Sets the example by wearing the uniform.
Shows evidence of knowledge of the leadership skills in all of the above categories. For
example, he or she communicates and thus promotes cooperation. Demonstrates sensitivity to
fellow program participants. Applies evaluation in personal and group situations. Shows
improvement in achieving Leadership Growth Agreement goals.