
Alberti, Robert E. and Michael L Emmons. Your Perfect Right. San Luis Obispo: Impact, 1974.

Baden-Powell, Robert. Scouting for Boys. London: C. Arthur Pearson Ltd., a Facsimile Edition of the Original, 1908/1951.

_______. Selections from "The Scouter", edited by Lord Somers, Baden-Powell's Outlook. London: C. Arthur Pearson Ltd., 1941.

Bánáthy, Béla H. "Leadership Development," World Scouting Reference Papers No. 1. Boy Scouts World Bureau, Geneva: 1969.

_______. Parameters of a New Design in Leadership Development. The Leadership Development Project, Monterey, CA: 1963. pp 1-19, 95-148.

_______. A Design for Leadership Development in Scouting. Salinas: Monterey Bay Area Council, BSA. 1963. 116pp. Bibliography.

_______. Report on a Leadership Development Experiment. August, 1964. 10pp.

_______. White Stag Program, Patrol Group, Assistant SMs Guide to Spirit and Traditions (Level II Program). n.d. 29pp.

_______. Guide to Staff Organization. White Stag a Leadership Development Project. Program Guide Series Phase I A160. September 1963. 50pp.

_______. Leadership Development by Design. A Report on an Experiment. San Francisco: Far West Laboratory for Educational Research and Development. 1964. 3pp.

_______. The Design and Management of Training. A Systems Approach. Boy Scout World Bureau, Geneva: 1969. 47pp.

_______. The Program of the Pico Blanco Leadership Training Center. Salinas: Monterey Bay Area Council, BSA, Leadership Training Committee. January 1960. 16pp.

Blake, R. R., & Mouton, J. S. The Managerial Grid. Austin, TX: Scientific Methods. 1964.

Boyle, Patrick G., and George Aker. "The Evaluation Attitude," Adult Leadership, March, 1962.

Berne, Eric. Games People Play. New York: Grove Press. 1964.

Biehler, Robert F. Psychology Applied to Teaching. Boston, Houghton Mifflin Co., 1971.

Boy Scouts of America Camp Staff Management and Morale. No. 12035. Irving, Texas: 1980. 12pp.

_______. Coach-Counselor Manual. Adult Leader Development. New Brunswick, New Jersey: n.d. 19pp.

_______. Design for SPL/PL, Leadership Corps Trainers Course, Philmont 1972. New Brunswick, New Jersey: 1972. 87pp.

_______. Experimental Wood Badge Program (Preliminary Draft) with Twenty-three Scoutcraft and Five Leadership Skills Lesson Plans. 97pp.

_______. Junior Leadership Development. Weekend Program, 1968. May 3-5, 1968, Presidio of Monterey, California. 11pp.

_______. "Miracle on Maxwell Mesa," Scouting Magazine. Irving, Texas: 1971.

_______. Scoutmaster Handbook, New Brunswick, New Jersey. 1981. 368pp.

_______. Troop Leader Development Staff Guide. New Brunswick, New Jersey. 1974. 148pp.

_______. A Seven-Day Junior Leader Instructor Training Course for Local Councils. Philmont, New Mexico: Philmont Scout Ranch. 1972. 18pp.

_______. Wood Badge Staff Guide. 1979. 205pp.

Brammer, Lawrence. The Helping Relationship Process and Skills. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc. 1973.

Carnagie, Dale. How to Win Friends and Influence People. New York: Pocket Books, 1994.

Civikly, Rosenfeld. With Words Unspoken. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1976.

Davis, J.H. Group Performance. Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley. 1967.

Fellows, Dick. White Stag Member Skills. Detailed Daily Schedule. June, 1972. 13pp.

Harris, Thomas. I'm OK--You're OK: A Practical Guide To Transactional Analyses. New York: Avon Pub. Co. 1973.

Interaction Associates, Inc. Manage Your Meetings: The Interaction Method. San Francisco: 1980.

James, Muriel and Dorothy Longward. Born to Win. Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley. 1971

Johnson, David W. and Frank P. Johnson. Joining Together: Group Theory and Group Skills. Inglewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. 1975.

Instructional Quality Control. Phase 1, Objectives, Version III, GT/70 [sic].

Larson, John, Béla Bánáthy and Ken Wells. The White Stag Report. New Brunswick, New Jersey.: Research Service, National Council, Boy Scouts of America 62pp. 1965.

Mager, Robert F. Goal Analysis. Palo Alto, California: Fearon Publishers, 1972.

_______. Preparing Instructional Objectives. Palo Alto, California: Fearon Publishers. 1962.

Margolis, Frederic H. Training by Objectives. A Participant Oriented Approach. Washington, D.C.: Behavioral Science Center of Sterling Institute, June 1970. 74pp.

McKean, Bob ed. Bob Taylor, Stan Ratliff, et. al. Toward Defining Measurable Objectives in the Affective Domain for Experiential Education Programs. Denver, CO.: Colorado Outward Bound School, 1975.

Miyamoto, Alan. Spirit and Traditions. 1973.

Naylor, Harriet. Leadership for Volunteering. Dryden, New York: Dryden Associates. 1976.

Parsons, Helene H. "Peninsulans Founded Advanced Scout Unit," The Monterey Peninsula Herald Weekend Magazine, Monterey, California: September 3, 1977. 3pp.

Petersen, Fran. The Responsibility of Spirit and Tradition. n.d.

_______. White Stag Aims and Methods. 1963.

_______. White Stag Member Skill. Detailed Daily Schedule. January, 1970. 13pp.

_______. White Stag Level III, 1970 Detailed Daily Schedule. 1969. 55pp.

Pryce, Dick. "Miracle on Maxwell Mesa," Scouting. New Brunswick, New Jersey.: 1971. 3pp.

Roberts, William. [White Stag] Rationale. 1974.

_______. Behavior Game. 1975.

Schein, Edgar H. Process Consultation: Its Role in Organization Development. Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley. 1969.

Science Research Associates. "Listening, Note Taking," Scout Age. 1963. 10pp.

Seredy, Kate. The White Stag. Viking Press, 1937.

Showel, Morris and Paul Hood. A Guide for the Infantry Squad Leader. What the Beginning Squad Leader Should Know about Human Relations. US Army Leadership Human Research Unit (HumRRO). July 1959. 234pp.

St. Clair, Joe. A History of White Stag Leadership Development. 1978. 8pp.

Szalapski, Jeff and Jim Said. Evaluation White Stag 1971. 16pp.

Tripp, Maurice. "Development of Leadership in Boy Leaders of Boys," Excerpts From Talks Given at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the National Council, BSA. New York, NY: May 23-24, 1963. 2pp.

White Stag Leadership Development Program. Challenge. April 1962. Program evaluations for 1960, 61.

_______. Patrol White Stag Logbook. August, 1964, 110pp.

_______. White Stag Camp Notebook. n.d. 77pp.

_______. The Pico Blanco Leadership Training Center Workshop Sessions, PBLTC Staff Training Conference, Fort Ord, California. January 16-17, 1960. 10pp.

_______. White Stag Levels II and V Suggested Objectives, Competency Levels, and Attainment Methods. n.d. 7pp.

_______. White Stag Logbook. 50pp.

_______. White Stag Staff Program Guide--Level 2, Spirit and Tradition. 1960. 13pp.

_______. Troop Leadership 1961, Camp Notebook. 102pp.

_______. White Stag Program--Troop Leadership Training Camp, 1962 Camp Schedule (Intepretative). 7pp.

_______. White Stag Level II Staff, 1965. Project Schedule. 32pp.

_______. Level II Staff, 1965. Suggested Daily Schedule. 16pp.

_______. White Stag Staff 2-5-7/1965. Suggested Daily Schedule. 1965. 16pp.

_______. White Stag level III, 1970 Daily Schedule. 9pp.

_______. White Stag Level 2-5 Program Scan, 1972 with Work Sheets. 8pp.

_______. White Stag Level Three Staff, 1972. Detailed Daily Schedule. February, 1972. 14pp.

_______. Patrol Leader Development, White Stag 1975. 20pp.

_______. Level Two 1978 Staff. Summer Camp Daily Schedule. 9pp.

_______. White Stag Leadership Skills Lesson Plan: Resources for Give/Get Information, Represent Group, Evaluation, How to Plan, Control, Example. n.d. 18pp.

Wilson, Marlene. The Effective Management of Volunteer Programs. Boulder, Colorado: Volunteer Management Association. 1976.

Copyright © 1981— , Brian Phelps. All rights reserved. Short portions may be excerpted for review and quotes. For copyright purposes, only introductory portions of this book are available online. Order the newest edition today.